
Sunday, October 7, 2012

It's fall y'all!! All the things that I love...chili, stew, sweat pants, football, game day food, pumpkin spice candles, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and of course more food! Cannot wait to get Reed in his Halloween costume and take him trick-or-treating (to collect lots of goodies he won't be able to chew, don't think he'll mind). 

Over the last month we have really started to reflect and understand the emotion of "the first year" coming to a close. In just a few short weeks our little guy will be turning 1...whoa that was quick! Over the last month he has become so aware and so smart! We have really enjoyed teaching him things and watching him play. He has started saying a few words, of course the typical dadadada and mumumumu, but my favorite is UH-OH! The jabbering has really started to pick up and he has started repeating sounds and soon it will be words. Guess I had better start watching my own mouth (eek). So much to look forward to in the next couple of months.

Time to share some pictures with y'all.

Looks who's 11 months old!!!
Sorta serious...


Just to get everyone in the mood this spooky season...

If only I knew how to take a pic in the dark...yes they GLOW!!

oh pleeeaasseee...

It's just me and you sock monkey!!
Anyone who has been around our little guy knows his hair is hysterical! Started out looking a like Gary Busey, fell out, grew back in a rotation of patches and has now evolved into a more dignified Donald Trump swoop and swish!
Unless I use product to tame it, it absolutely has a mind of its own!! Here's a look at a little mohawk action!
I am hoping this look means "I sure love you mommy"
but my guess is that it probably means
"I'm about to smack that camera out of your hand"

Refusing to look but what a view from the side!


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Oh summer you have come to a sizzling end and fall is upon us!
Just wanted to share a few photos from the end of summer!

Today I am 10 months old...

And very happy about it!

Uncle Heater

Reed and Daddy

Reed and Mommy

This is the product of a fun, busy and long day at McFarlin children's day out!

Reed's first art projects

His teacher gave him this on his last day, so sweet!
Now for some fun in the SUN!!

Reed really enjoyed the water, I hope next summer he "remembers" how much fun it is!!
Our newest journey has been "tasting" new foods...
And this was our ORANGE journey!

Rub a dub dub Reed being silly in the tub!!


Southern charm
A traditional southern gown made by our sweet friend in Georgia!!

Reed started daycare and Mommy started working full-time on August 22nd...I was sure worried how he (we) would adjust but we are both doing great! He has 4 friends at daycare, all boys, and after the first two weeks he has really found his place. 
Mommy is really liking her new job also...WIN WIN!
We have a busy fall ahead of us.  First Halloween and first birthday are right around the corner and we are very excited!!
More pictures to come!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Villani's are in for some BIG changes in exactly one week:  my time at home with Reed will come to an end and I will be rejoining the work force full-time and Reed will join an at-home daycare center full-time. I feel confident that this is the job that God has prepared for me and that this will be a positive path overall for our family. I know Reed will be having a blast playing and interacting with other children (4 other boys) and I hope I have an easy transition as well, it's going to be INTERESTING.  So how do I get everything ready, set, prepared in the next 7 days?  I guess I'll start by going to the Lake for the weekend, sounds productive right? Thanks to Aunt Carol and Uncle Andy we have a lake sanctuary at Lake Texoma to enjoy.  I know it will be tons of fun and great way to relax before all the chaos next week.  So, say a little prayer for us as we begin a new adventure :)

Other things that are exciting to chat about...SHARK WEEK on Discovery! Probably my favorite week coming in 2nd to the week between Christmas and New Year's.  The shark:  scary, elusive, entertaining.

Aside from my otherwise healthy addiction to these "shark shows" over the years I have also developed an intense fear and refuse to go beyond wading into the ocean any deeper than my knee cap...thats right, I'm chicken.  I am hoping this is NOT a fear that I will pass on to Reed.  Just goes to show that sometimes knowledge is power and other times...well, its just plain scary!

While we are on the subject of teeth, I am wishing that I had a good picture where you could see Reed's teeth but I do not so I will just post a smiley picture for now.  He broke his first tooth (front, bottom, right) on June 30th and then the second (front, bottom, left) on July 14th.  I am continuing to be relieved that he has not used his teeth as a weapon but know that could change with each passing day.  I will admit that this was my first, "oh no, he's growing too fast" mommy moment.  He has really started to look more and more like a little boy, way too toddler for this mommy.  It makes sense since he'll be 10 months old September 3rd, quickly approaching 1 year! 

 Photo shoots will most likely all have to be done on the floor from now on. 
Reed is just too ready to move.

I know I will have lots of pictures and hopefully stories too share after our lake weekend. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A special thanks to Tylenol severe cold...there were 2 days that I would not have survived without it.


whoa...last week was rough.  Head cold central at the Villani residence! Confession...being sick and a stay at home mom is HARD! I thought I felt sorry for myself for feeling icky and then I heard my little man cough...and my heart wrenched.  Quite possibly the worst sound ever.  I am worried how I will react when he throws up (for real, for real) or has a serious illness (flu, high temp, etc).  Luckily, his cough is dry and probably allergy related.  One would assume that he could simply start an allergy med and things would improve greatly...well you know what they say about ASS-U-Ming.  He takes a fever reducer no problem, vitamins no problem, allergy med-gag, cough, hiss, spit, cry.  I might have to get tricky, but he has to start taking it once a day. Currently taking suggestions???

On a happier note Reed started CDO (children's day out) last week so today was his second day.  When I arrived to pick him up he was wearing a different outfit than the one he was dropped off in (immediately a Mom think, uh oh).  The report I received was that he had pulled another baby's lunch into his own lap, had of course refused to nap, would not take his bottle and that they had decided he might be a little ornery.  I wanted to say "ya think?".  Needless to say it made me chuckle a little.  I knew something was fishy last week when they said he was "perfect" on his first day.  He just needed time for the new to wear he is READY, ready for trouble baby!

This weekend is the Bates Family Reunion, cannot wait.  I am hoping to have lots of pictures to post after an eventful weekend.  See you soon!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Where to start...

Being that I am brand spankin' new to the blogging world I will approach this the same way that I have approached my newest adventure (becoming a mother) ...jump in feet first, nose pinched and fingers crossed (splash).  I am interested in using a blog as a more private venue to share photos of my little man with the people we know and love.  I also intend on sharing my parenting mishaps and splendors with hopes that others can find humor and/or solace in reading about my daily blunders. Just to get things started I would like to post some photographs of my son taken by a close friend.

Oh my how you have grown!! When others advise you that it goes by fast...they should probably mention that when they say "fast" that really translates as "speed of light".